Changes in Communications Technology - Privacy.
1. What changes in technology made the events reported here possible ?
The advanced changes in technology such as the DVD player & DVD disks, as they demonstrated the footage which was the lead to the crime. They also would have used a camera, computer, to film the footage and to make many copys.
2. What is the violation of privacy in the events reported here?
The violation of privacy in the events reported here is huge, they are taking a sexual assault and selling it for money.
3. In this article, are changes in technology shown as a positive or a negative? Give reasons for your answer.
Changes in technology are shown as both a positive and a negative, whereas if this footage wasnt recorded it may have never been reported but it is a much more shameful way to be sexually assaulted & then for half the world to see it on youtube & DVDs.
4. Does responsibility for the violation of privacy lie with the makers and providers of the technology or the users of the technology? Give reasons for your answer.
My Opinion is that the responsibility of privacy would lie with the users of the technology as the makers and providers did not make this technology to be used in such a manner, they have no control over what the users choose to do with their technology.
5. Does this justify that “the activities of children online should be monitored” as the Federal Communications Minister seems to suggest in the article? Give reasons for your answer.
5. Does this justify that “the activities of children online should be monitored” as the Federal Communications Minister seems to suggest in the article? Give reasons for your answer.
In a way it does justify that "the activities of children online should be monitored" as the Federal Communications Minister has suggested in this article as there may be many more acts just like this one being posted online and noone hears about it, but then there is the problem of privacy being strongly invaded.
6. Should there be laws against anti-social or illegal behaviour being distributed on mobile phones and over the internet? Give reasons for your answer.
That also is an invasion of privacy but it would get to the bottom of alot more crimes so there should be some sort of law preventing anti-social or illegal behaviour as it is innapropiate.
7. Would these laws work? Give reasons for your answer.
I don`t think the laws would work as kids do what they please with the technology there is today.
8. Should Youtube be prevented from displaying videos of illegal acts or should it be left up to its users? Give reasons for your answer.
8. Should Youtube be prevented from displaying videos of illegal acts or should it be left up to its users? Give reasons for your answer.
Youtube should be prevented from displaying videos of illegal acts, its not necessary for people to get amusement out of such videos.
The privacy of users of online social networks, such as Myspace or Facebook.
9. What is the possible violation of privacy?
The possible violation of users online social works such as Myspace or Facebook is high, strangers can gain more information that you would like to be known about you which can cause unexpected harm.
10. What changes in technology have taken place to make this conflict with privacy take place?
The changes in technology of the computer has taken place, with many sites such as these all over the internet.
11. In this instance, does the responsibility regarding privacy lie with the makers and providers of the technology being used, or the users of the technology? Give reasons for your answer.
In this instance this responsibility would once again lie with the users of the technology, the makers and providers made these sites for good use and entertainment. They also have no control over what kind of people use these sites and they do offer for your site to be private and you approve your friends.
11. In this instance, does the responsibility regarding privacy lie with the makers and providers of the technology being used, or the users of the technology? Give reasons for your answer.
In this instance this responsibility would once again lie with the users of the technology, the makers and providers made these sites for good use and entertainment. They also have no control over what kind of people use these sites and they do offer for your site to be private and you approve your friends.
Does privacy need more consideration? Or less? Suggest a way that a compromise can be made.
Does privacy need more consideration? Or less? Suggest a way that a compromise can be made.
Privacy has an alright amount of consideration.